FBT Architects

Bayfield Conceptual Park Design

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Bayfield Conceptual Park Design

Bayfield, Colorado

Groundwork Studio is developing a conceptual park design for a core group of Bayfield’s parks and open space along the Los Pinos River. Outdoor recreation is an integral part of the Bayfield community, and this project provides a recreation roadmap for expansion and development. This work builds on the projects Groundwork Studio completed for the Town of Bayfield Parks, Open Space, Trails and Recreational (POSTR) Master Plan.

This project draws on Groundwork Studio’s technical expertise in facility inventory and analysis, programming, cost estimating and maintenance planning paired with meaningful and fun community engagement.

Visit the project website created by Groundwork Studio at ourbayfieldparks.org.

  • Landscape Architecture
  • Master Planning
  • Hands-on Engagement
  • Pop Up Events
