FBT Architects

Employee Spotlight With Henry Reitwiesner

Henry is a wealth of architectural and historical knowledge. He brings an element of surprise with insights researched from his notes, records and recollections! He is an invaluable resource, fully invested in training and nurturing FBT's culture.

Sanjay Engineer, Vice President, K-12 Director

Henry’s background on the client side as an educational facilities operator, in-house architect and owner’s representative makes him an invaluable resource for his colleagues in FBT’s Colorado Springs Office. He describes his role at FBT as a mentor. “I provide a perspective as a former client for others to reflect on,” he explains.

Henry’s career path is marked by significant decisions and growth opportunities. One of the most challenging decisions he made was in 2002 when he left the practice of architecture to work in a small school district as the Director of Auxiliary Services. This shift provided him with the chance to diversify his expertise, overseeing a range of operations spanning from facilities management to transportation logistics. This significant role expansion not only enhanced his skillset, but also had a profound impact on the direction of his career.

During his time as Executive Director of the Building Fund for Academy District 20 in Colorado Springs, CO, Henry managed a $220 million bond project, collaborating with FBT and GH Phipps Construction on multiple projects. FBT’s support in executing the $220 million bond was crucial, with projects completed ahead of schedule and under budget, allowing for additional projects and demonstrating fiscal responsibility. This successful partnership highlighted the value of teamwork and made his decision to rejoin FBT post-retirement easy. He values the supportive, family-like environment at FBT.

Mentorship has been crucial in Henry’s career, influenced by senior leaders from Colorado Springs school districts.“They served as facilities executive directors, operations managers, financial officers, deputy superintendents and owner’s representatives,” he notes. This extensive mentorship experience now informs his role at FBT, where he applies the insights and skills gained from his mentors to guide and support his own team, fostering a collaborative and growth-oriented work environment.

Outside of work, Henry enjoys live music, outdoor activities and yoga. He follows the Orioles, Nationals and Switchbacks Colorado Springs. Having traveled to all 50 states and seen some of the the 7 Wonders of the World, Henry’s top bucket list destinations now include Machu Picchu, the Pyramids of Giza, the Great Wall, Stonehenge, Easter Island and the Galapagos Islands. These destinations reflect his adventurous spirit and love for exploring historical and natural wonders.

Henry’s colleagues might be surprised by his talent for singing and playing the bass guitar. At work, he indulges in Elevenses or Second Breakfast, a nod to his fondness for snacking throughout the day and Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Reflecting on his career, if Henry could give his younger self one piece of advice, it would be to learn the latest drafting software like REVIT and maintain his AutoCAD skills. “These are invaluable tools that I didn’t utilize enough in my senior-level positions,” he admits.