FBT Architects

Employee Spotlight With Allie McAlister

Allie possesses incredible knowledge of the architecture profession and always seems to be a step ahead, which is invaluable when trying to steer a group of architects going in different directions. Her organizational skills give us peace of mind knowing the task will not only be completed on time but with a quality second to none.

Arthur Tatum, President, Managing Partner

As FBT’s Marketing Manager, Allie has a way with communication and organization that stems from years of experience in the field. If she were to describe her role at FBT using a metaphor, it would be “herding sheep,” especially in proposal development. “Putting together a proposal is like putting together a puzzle, but the pieces of the puzzle have to come from so many different people within and outside of the firm, and the puzzle has a strict, often tight deadline!” Despite the challenge of managing multiple proposals simultaneously, Allie ensures everyone stays on track through relentless organization and sometimes some necessary pestering.

FBT’s core value, Commit to the WOW!, emphasizes “creating genuine partnerships.” Allie takes that to heart, understanding the undeniable importance of relationships – with both clients and colleagues. “Genuine partnerships are what drive our clients to trust us and want to work with us. My relationships with the people I work with on a daily basis are what inspire me to do what I do.”

Grounded in these relationships, Allie stays attuned to industry trends. “In the last few years, we’ve definitely seen a rise in the cross-pollination of different practice areas,” Allie noted. The rise of mixed-use is something that excites her, stating, “It’s very cool to see how the best practices and lessons learned within every studio can be shared to benefit one another, and how our world is constantly evolving to improve the human experience at every turn.”

Allie leverages her diverse skillset and perspectives to enhance creative development within the marketing team. Her past experience at a global AEC firm with a specific focus on the healthcare industry gives her unique insights into design for wellbeing and its impact on the human experience. In addition, her minor in graphic design has helped her contribute to the more creative projects and documents FBT develops. “While I have a deep appreciation for the strategic side of marketing, the process of playing around with shapes, forms, colors and layout in InDesign/Illustrator is the part of my job that feels more like a fun hobby.”

Her passion for creative expression extends beyond the office, where she and her husband have embarked on the journey of transforming their historic St. Louis home. Allie made the move to St. Louis, Missouri from Dallas, Texas in 2022, purchasing a house with 100 years of history shortly after. She derives a lot of joy from hunting for treasures and doing home renovation projects with her husband on the weekends. “Living in a historic city means increased access to amazing antique stores and estate sales!” Despite the never-ending, constantly evolving process, Allie happily states, “It’s been so much fun to transform our house into a home.”

In addition to the home improvement journey, Allie is passionate about travel. In reflecting on her past adventures, Allie noted that if she could teleport to any place in the world for a weekend, it would be Florence, Italy. “The food, the wine, the architecture, the surrounding scenery, the slow pace of life—it’s my happy place.”