FBT Architects
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The what’s what, who’s who and latest at FBT.



FBT’s employee-led team, the Barqueños, raised $2,610 for Animal Humane New Mexico at this year’s Doggie Dash & Dawdle. The Doggie Dash & Dawdle is Animal Humane’s largest annual fundraiser and signature event. In its 35th year, the event raised over $313,000 for the local charity, whose mission is to support and improve the lives […]

ACE Leadership High School and the New Mexico Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects held their third annual Pop Up Playground (PUP) on Saturday, November 11, 2017. The PUP attracted over 200 kids of all ages including many returning participants from last year’s event. Groundwork Studio’s (GWS) Amy Bell brought New Mexico its […]