Chris Bard, AIA
Chris Bard is a trusted adviser and provides leadership and direction for the firm, ensuring exceptional quality and long-term client value. He brings over 40 years experience to a diverse range of architectural design projects, as well as a precognizant ability to look ahead and identify potential problems and complications down the road. Chris began his career as a framing carpenter, but was encouraged to pursue architecture after exhibiting a natural talent and creativity. Now, many years on, it is the client relationships that Chris finds most rewarding. He is proud to lead a firm based on quality and trust in an industry that creates opportunity now and in the future.
Master of Architecture, University of New Mexico
Bachelor of Arts, Colorado State University -
Professional Credentials:
Registered Architect: New Mexico, Texas, Colorado
American Institute of Architects (AIA), Member
National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB), Member